Saturday 19 December 2015

I've been thinking...about non-traditional relationships

I have been watching a bunch of television shows that are new to me as well as some I have followed for some time and have seen something I hope will continue...relationships that are outside the cultural 'norm'. Shows such as Lost Girl, Sense8, True Blood and Torchwood present human connection, relationships, love and family that go well beyond the traditional male/female couple. (Unfortunately three of these shows are cancelled.)

Other shows such as The Night Shift, Torchwood and Glee brought gay and straight actors together to bring stories of couples to life with passion and commitment. More series, think Looking, present authentic stories of gay and/or lesbian life. And these are just the shows that have stuck with me - if you know of others, please share with me!

Actors such as John Barrowman and Anna Silk have brought kick-ass bi- and omni-sexual characters to life, characters that are loved by fans.
Anna Silk as Bo from Lost Girl

John Barrowman as Captain Jack
Harkness in Torchwood.

And I absolutely LOVE it all!

Human emotions such as love and lust are complex and unpredictable. Why can’t we accept the potential we could fall for a person, who they really and truly are, and not just the package they come in? And why are we so afraid to recognize our capacity to fall in love with or care deeply for more than one person at once? More than this, why are we often unwilling to accept the parameters of what consensual adults want: BDSM, open relationships, polyamory and more?

As erotica authors, we have the opportunity to create stories, develop worlds and craft amazing characters where we can explore the breadth of what supportive, caring, consensual relationships can be. We can push our readers to consider what else is possible, bring them with us as we tell stories that showcase lust, desire, attraction, love and commitment.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Writing away...and planning even more!

So, the third installment of the Her Hollywood Hero sexy short stories is with my publisher...hopefully it will be accepted and move Allure and Gavin's storyline along. You can get the first two stories online at Jupiter Gardens or most other online bookstores. Still undecided as to whether a fourth story is in the cards.

I have now an author page on Goodreads. Come visit, leave a review or ask me a question. I would love the chance to interact with readers. I am active on Twitter - @ShaynaYork and on Facebook

This past May I took part in the first Romancing the Capital conference that brought together readers and romance/erotica writers. It was a blast, hosted by the amazing Eve Langlais...check her out and read some of her shifter or alien stories!! I have already signed up (as a reader) to attend in 2016.

I am currently working on three different, longer stories: a ménage book, a BDSM-lite tale and a gritty military romance. With luck one, or more of these will be ready for submission to a publisher this fall. I am also laying out the framework for a Canadian cats shifter series. And thanks to spectacular inspiration from photographers such as Michael Stokes, sometimes the voices in my head welcome a new voice and another plot/story idea spills out onto paper. 

Keep reading!!

Thursday 24 September 2015

Back and kickin'

The last couple of years have thrown so much my way. Personally it has been a rough journey - my mom's two surgeries and an illness, my sister's health challenges and my husband's cancer. I know I neglected this blog but I had to spread myself pretty thin as it was. Some things had to be put aside - my writing in general and this blog in particular.

But it seems we are past the worst so I am making a commitment to pick back up the pen and keep moving forward with my writing, this blog and connecting through social media. To me that includes, Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads. Find me, add me and read my short stories - a full length book, or two are in the final stages!!